Using ELLI profiles will:
- fascinate your students with discoveries about their Learning Power
- cause your students to build their learning habits
- encourage your students to strive to achieve effective learning patterns
- guide your students on their learning journey
What is ELLI?
ELLI (the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory) is an online questionnaire that captures your students’ views of how they see themselves as learners.
It is a persuasive agent of change and a reliable learning diagnostic tool that:

- shows students their unique learning power profile
- informs and inspires change
- prompts to reflect on how they learn
- develops students’ sense of autonomy with respect to their learning
- helps students to set focused development goals
The diagnostic tool, based on self-reported ratings, supports the self-evaluation of Learning Power. The resulting profiles enable students to understand themselves as learners, and later to claim ownership and responsibility for what and how they learn.
Using ELLI: a multi-tasking tool
Find out how ELLI helps students to:
Find out how ELLI enables teachers to:
Find out how ELLI enables the school to:
ELLI: Learning Power’s satnav

ELLI is becoming the instrument of choice amongst teachers and trainers because it:
- empathises with the cultural and learning environment of the learner
- enables a constructive and productive partnership between teachers and learners
- indicates the extent of the development of independent, resilient and confident learners
ELLI’s graphic profile prompts young people to talk about their learning, and helps teachers to tailor opportunities for them to consciously use their learning power dimensions.
Discover your students’ power to learn
To arrange a conversation with Steve Watson about how ELLI might work in your school, please phone TLO on 0117 937 8080 / 07831 465074.
“How much more learning of all kinds, how much more enthusiasm for engaging in learning, if all young people understood that their learning dispositions were not fixed; that their horizons were not fixed.”
ELLI: a trusted learning profile
Built from serious academic research

Research at Bristol University into lifelong learning identified the seven dimensions of Learning Power that create a step change in individual, team and organisational performance.
They also discovered that the dimensions are responsive to the circumstances of the immediate environment (the classroom) and are sensitive to relationships and social challenge.
Changing the culture of classrooms lies at the heart of changing the strength and patterns of students’ learning behaviours.
ELLI’s use beyond schools

ELLI has been used effectively well beyond education in the Civil Service, across the commercial landscape of SMEs and in Further and Higher Education. It has revolutionised the performance of reluctant learners in companies and thereby the company itself. It has helped in dismantling the belief that a job is for life and an understanding that strong combinations of learning dispositions are marketable in other worlds.
Low resilience among trainee teachers is a major challenge for those offering teacher training and PGCE courses. In several cases up to 25% of starters have failed to get beyond their first forays into the classroom. ELLI has helped these students to widen their understanding of themselves as learners.
ELLI is part of the natural history curriculum run jointly by Penn State University and the Smithsonian in Washington. There is on-going academic research into ELLI and its constituent habits and behaviours in a number of universities internationally in the University of Porto, Portugal, Istanbul in Turkey, Vienna in Austria and among undergraduates at Deakin University, Melbourne, and Southern Cross University, Northern Rivers, Australia.
Discover your students’ power to learn
To arrange a conversation with Steve Watson about how ELLI might work in your school, please phone TLO on 0117 937 8080 / 07831 465074.